Sunday, June 20, 2010


We drove 70 miles south to Fayoum. I know it doesn't sound important, but this is where Joseph was probably keeping the grain. As a matter of fact, in the middle of the desert - well, not quite in the middle - there is an irrigation canal off the NIle that is named Joseph's Canal. The belief is that he had it dug so that this area, which was the capital during his time, could grow soooo much, and it still does. Organically. The animals graze on the stubs of the harvested crops and leave their waste that is then fertilizer.

Then we went to the first stone structure in the world, a step pyramid that was built with mud bricks covered with stone. Incredibly, next to it was a tomb of Princess Idot that the paint was still on the wall. Both were from 2600 BC, 4600 years ago! And the temperature, there in the Sahara by the way, was 120 degrees.

We discussed the different scholar's opinions of what the exodus actually looked like, where they crossed the Reed Sea and why.... More later. It's HOT here. We seem to be having a heat wave. Floating down the Nile tomorrow.
Prayer: Lord, thank you for leaders like Abraham and Joseph and Moses who helped us come to you. Amen